360|iDev, the largest indie iOS Conference moves Downtown

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Published on Apr. 17, 2014
360|iDev, the largest indie iOS Conference moves Downtown


After years of holding the largest indie iOS conference in the US in the Tech Center, we're moving downtown.

We've signed a 2 year contract (with more to follow) with the Sheraton Denver Downtown to host 360|iDev annually in August in Downtown.


Moving downtown was a big deal for us, the Denver Marriott South has been the home of 360|iDev for a few years, and it's a great venue, but every year we heard from more and more attendees how much they'd love to be closer to downtown. As a resident of downtown, i can't say I blamed them.

So, we made the move. We had to start over with a new hotel and start the entire contract process over again, which delayed things by months, but it's worth it to finally announce that we're here.

August 24-27th this year, 300+ iOS Developers from around the world will converge on Downtown Denver.

If you're involved in iOS, don't miss out on the best and largest indie event in the US, when it's right downtown.

Also the Call For Papers is open, and we'd love locals to submit a topic, show what the Denver iOS community has to offer!


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