Stay Motivated: How To Keep Up With Your New Years Resolutions

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Published on Jan. 22, 2014

As we march into the final few days of January, the Wishlist Team has taken charge of the task of being the resolution reminder. For your sake (as well as our own) we have vowed to play the part of the pesky friend who sporadically checks in with you to see how your goals are coming to fruition. It is in fact one of our own New Year’s resolutions to hold each other accountable for what we promised in a disillusioned state of bliss and hope (and perhaps champagne) on that fateful day called the first of January.

So here is a list of some of the things the people behind the scenes at Wishlist are resolved to complete during the upcoming year:

            Be More Spontaneous

            Travel More

            Eat Less Chocolate

            Eat More Chocolate

            Try New Things


These are just a few of the goals the Wishlist crew spewed in the start of January, and as February approaches we are encouraging each other to stay motivated and hopeful for the New Year. In hopes of helping each of you stay on the path of resolution completion, here are some common New Year’s resolutions and how Wishlist can help you complete them:

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Lose Weight 

We think you are great just the way you are, but if you’re keen on shedding some pounds in the New Year so you can strut your way into 2015, by golly we are going to help you get there! Moyer Total Wellness and Apothecary Tinctura will kick you into gear (workout gear that is) so that you can conquer 2014 with your newfound six-pack.

Manage Stress

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Managing stress levels is high on the list for most people, and rightfully so. In the New Year make sure to take some time out to care for yourself. Relax and recharge with massages, facials and nutrition classes, so that you can handle all that 2014 is sure to hand you.

Learn Something New

Screen shot 2014-01-21 at 11.49.54 PMIt is just as important to take care of your mind as your body. Keep your mind nimble with cooking classes, art museum tours and art classes. All have proven to be great ways to encourage creativity and keep your mind sharp.

Hopefully this post has given you a new dose of hope for the New Year. As February takes hold, stay positive and stay motivated. We’d love to hear about your own New Year’s resolutions and how you are planning on completing them, share by commenting below or on our facebook. Make sure to stay up to date with Wishlist on Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn; and by signing up for our newsletter!

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