ReadyTalk zooms in on mobile teleconferencing

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Published on Sep. 23, 2014
ReadyTalk zooms in on mobile teleconferencing


The world still isn't as flat as Thomas Friedman predicted, at least as long as most teleconferencing software comes with the challenges that it does. The audio quality often leaves much to be desired, particularly when there are language barriers involved. Many existing products don't integrate well with CRM frameworks. And, most glaringly, many aren't well optimized for mobile devices.

The Denver startup firm ReadyTalk plans to spend the next calendar year addressing the issue of mobile.

"I can say that our big focus in the next 12 months is mobile,” says Shannon Westmacott, an account executive at ReadyTalk. “We're focusing on making joining and running meetings from any mobile device as easy as possible.”

[ibimage==29952==Medium==none==self==ibimage_align-right]ReadyTalk has seen new devices arrive and proliferate, and knows that keeping up with technology is an ongoing challenge that must be met with advanced UX research. “The ReadyTalk interface is designed around usability, and we are continually evaluating the user experience on multiple platforms – desktops, mobile phones, and tablets.”

Westmacott said the company's Net Promoter score of 56%, versus an industry average of around 46%, is evidence that it can remain on the ball while it's brainstorming new advances. “Our in-house integrations team is constantly looking at new ways we can invest in our established integrations and partnerships. This team is wholly dedicated to this space of the business and is a completely free resource to customers during implementation. All 24/7 support provided by ReadyTalk is complimentary.”

On Thursday, September 25th, ReadyTalk will host Built in Colorado's Built in Brews event. Join assorted tech luminaries from the Denver/Boulder area and the fun (growing) ReadyTalk team on ReadyTalk's 6th-floor roof deck and have a sip – there's no need to conference in!

We'll be having a DJ to get you into the groove while you watch the sunset over Downtown Denver.

Know of a tech story or a startup that deserves coverage? Email us via [email protected].

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