How To Master The 1-Hour Blog Article

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Published on Feb. 11, 2014
How To Master The 1-Hour Blog Article

[ibimage==25889==Medium==none==self==ibimage_align-right]Blogging for your business is perhaps the most powerful thing you can do to grow your business.  How you ask?

 "B2B companies that blog generate 67% more leads per month than those that do not" - HubSpot 

Publishing blog articles about your industry and services has a lot of advantages.  The information you publish will raise your brand awareness, keep you front of mind with your network, and help you pop up higher on search engines.  Your articles become indexed pages on your website, and build to a powerful knowledge base you can reference over and over again.  If you're not blogging regularly there must be a reason.

Some of the Reasons You Might Not Want To Blog

  1. You don't have the time
  2. You don't know what you're doing
  3. You don't see the value 
  4. You're scared someone will read it


Today I'm going to teach you how to write a great blog post in under an hour.  If you understand the value you can make the time for a dedicated hour, no matter how busy you are.  If you read this article and apply these techniques you'll be an expert blogger with a little practice.  

First Key:  Don't Be Scared

You have to go for it.  You can't worry about what the experts will think, instead consider what the amateurs are looking to gain.  You know a lot about what your company does I bet, and you have information other's would love to absorb.  You're more of an expert than you think you are and it's a lot easier to be a critic of what's produced than to produce.  

Second Key:  Pick A Topic That Teaches

The easiest way to blog is to start with a topic meant to teach someone something they don't know.  Topic generation should be easy if you think about your recent sales calls, customer interactions, and company FAQ sheet.  What do prospects want to know before they buy from you?  What do they need to know?  Stick to value, tips, and application advice for the people that need what you have to offer.  It's easy to write about the stuff you talk about every day and that makes the meat of your article develop quickly.

Third Key:  Gather Some Resources

For your article to meet critical criteria for attractiveness and effectiveness you need to have some resources close at hand.  You can't waste 25 minutes of your hour searching websites for images and digging for your keyword list.  Take some time to set yourself up for your power hour by doing the following:

  1. Open an account with a stock image site like and take pictures everywhere you go on your phone.  You'll have a couple quick destinations for choosing the right image for your article.
  2. Create a keyword focus list that includes which web page each term should focus on.  Save it on your desktop, for a great format to plan ahead use a blog editorial calendar.  This will save you time and make your posts better.

Fourth Key:  Write From The Bottom With An Outline

If you try to write your articles from start to finish you'll struggle to make your points and come up with a readable format.  The best way to save time and create a better finished product is to start by outlining your points in bullets.  Build your article framework top to bottom instead of left to right.  Then, work back from the bottom to fill it in.  

"If you outline from the top and write from the bottom you'll be amazed how quickly your thoughts come together"  - Eric Pratt

Fifth Key:  Make A Point And Make An Offer

If you want to realize the results of blogging you have to give value.  Provide advice or tips that will help people and then offer them something else.  Don't sell them something but don't leave them wanting more with no way to find it.  Take the time to create some tools to help them expand their knowledge, and don't try to sell it to them.  Share your knowledge openly and you'll be rewarded.

So here's the point and here's the offer:  

You have to understand the importance of blogging, see value the big picture, and make the time to produce the desired results.  You can't fail if you don't try, and failing while trying is surely one of the reasons our company exists.   another blogging offer


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