7 Reason Creative Density Chose Capital Hill (Cap Hill) as Their Newest Coworking Location

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Published on Feb. 24, 2014
7 Reason Creative Density Chose Capital Hill (Cap Hill) as Their Newest Coworking Location

I sat down with the owner of Creative Density and cofounder of Denver Coworking Alliance, Craig Baute, to disuss why he feels Cap Hill is ready for a new coworking location. 


Why Cap Hill:   




I love Cap Hill. A piece of me died every day knowing there wasn’t a coworking space there. Many neighborhoods in Denver are getting a local coworking space like a local coffee shop, except for Capitol Hill. It’s a great neighborhood with a lot of creative, young, and ambitious go-getters and we want to support them with this new space. 800 Grant seemed to be a perfect new spot.


Did you outgrow your current location:




Yes, and we needed a place for a really big bean bag sofa. Creative Density loves bright colors and comfortable furniture. We just got a huge bean bag sofa and had no place to put it. The new location will be a great spot for it.


What type of people are choosing coworking:




All types of people, that’s what is so awesome. Companies of any type shouldn’t be stuck in isolation. People are more productive and creative together, so we wanted to keep growing so that more businesses could experience coworking in the Cap Hill area.


What size of companies benefit from coworking:


Small businesses and startups in Denver are rocking it. As the one man shop grows we want them to have a collaborative community to work in as their team grows from two to three to four to five.  Our current team space was full and demand was growing so a second location is needed.


What is the biggest benefit to coworking:


Companies need to be lean and flexible. Coworking can help. Creative Density is all about simplicity and flexibility to workspace. We don’t hide fees or require large time commitments because we understand small and growing businesses need to be flexible and put their resources in other places than space.


What’s the best amenity Cap Hill offers coworkers:




The community was spending a lot of time at Govnr's Park Tavern.  We wanted to shorten their commute! The restaurants and businesses in the area are amazing gathering places.  It’s nice to have a great watering hole down the street.



Lastly, and most importantly, Creative Density won the Denver Coworking kickball championship last year, how is your team looking this year?




What I love about the Denver coworking community is that we all work together as a team versus individual coworking locations.   A great example of that is Denver Coworking Week.  But when it comes to the kickball tournament that week, Creative Density is in it to win it!  


Craig can be reached at [email protected]

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