4 Strategies to Customer-Focused Content Marketing

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Published on Jun. 29, 2017
4 Strategies to Customer-Focused Content Marketing

Content marketing is a great way to give your company a human voice. Its lets your audience understand that you possess expertise in your industry that competitors simply don't have. Even more, it can drive home the value that you deliver for your customers while strategically enhancing your search optimization efforts, and in rare cases, it can even fix a broken sales pipeline.

In today's hyper-digital world, there is a growing importance placed upon customer focused content marketing efforts, but of course, digital marketers around the world often forget the most important aspect. They forget about their customers.

Content marketing must be created for your customers, not only to attract new sales. On top of that, it must be valuable to truly be effective. Convince and Convert's Jay Baer said it best: content without value is just a brochure

To have a customer-focused approach to content marketing, you need to:

  1. Truly understand your customers
  2. Understand & prioritize what needs to be done 
  3. Don't dwell (too much) on the details
  4. Keep your SEO authentic

Find out how you can achieve a customer-focused content marketing strategy.

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