These 8 Colorado Companies Are Hiring Now

In order to attract and retain new employees, companies have to be willing to look beyond a fixed salary rate and gourmet sparkling water in the breakroom. Schedule and commute availability are essential to a job’s appeal, but even more so is the availability of professional opportunity and growth. 

Written by Tyler Holmes
Published on Mar. 31, 2021
These 8 Colorado Companies Are Hiring Now
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In order to attract and retain new employees, companies have to be willing to look beyond a fixed salary rate and sparkling water in the breakroom. Schedule and commute availability are essential to a job’s appeal, but even more so is the availability of professional opportunity and growth. 

“I think the events of 2020 really caused an unintended, but very much needed, wake-up call to how companies perceived hiring,” Meghan Lewis, Greenhouse Software’s account manager, said. 

Job seekers in the tech field are aligning their personal values with the work they take on more than ever before, and many are surprised to find out that the work culture they fantasize about is readily attainable with the proper search.

Built In Colorado sat down with employees at eight of the fastest-growing tech companies in the region to discuss how they landed their dream role and what the future of their business holds.


Nicole Nunez
Global Sales Enablement Manager • Quantive

Gtmhub’s Objectives and Key Results (OKR) platform helps enterprises, not-for-profits, startups and government organizations improve internal alignment by enabling real-time decision making. 


Feeling right at home: “The deciding factor for me when I accepted my position at Gtmhub was the dynamic of the team and managers here,” Nunez said. “I am always eager to learn new approaches, processes and ways of thinking. I recognized the same hunger I have for improvement in the people I met throughout the interview process. They were all happy to hear my thought contributions and excited about what we could build together.”

“It might sound cheesy, but when I first learned what OKRs are and how they help, it felt like the answer to every frustration I’d faced in my career up until that point. It isn’t always easy, but it’s a framework we can always return to when we start getting caught up in the tornado that is a fast-growth startup.”

It’s exhilarating to feel like I’m part of building something big.”


Focusing on future alignment: “I’m really excited to see OKRs catch on and become mainstream, because they can improve the employee experience so much. By bringing my experiences in training and enablement, I am improving our own company experience so that we can be aligned, intentional and scalable. That means we can bring that message to more people in more effective ways.”

“When I can influence change that alleviates common frustrations, it makes everything run more smoothly and we can accomplish more as an organization. Things move quickly and we all work hard, but it’s exhilarating to feel like I’m part of building something big.”


Emily Beliveau
Senior Manager, Business Operations • Uplight

Uplight is a technology platform and certified B Corporation dedicated to serving the energy ecosystem through action recommendations and customer insights. 


Support from all angles: “I have been with Uplight for over five years and I have seen mobility in my career that has kept me engaged, growing, and learning,” Beliveau said. “I like to think of myself as a utility infielder. I have worked in four departments and have grown in skills and business acumen in each role. I am now using these experiences to improve how we get work done so that we can meet our goals, scale our business, and provide satisfying, fulfilling jobs for our employees.”

“As a mom, I have never felt pushed onto a mommy track. The opposite happened; I was promoted less than a year after my daughter was born. Uplight has been a good place for me to be a mom. There are 12 weeks of paid maternity leave, great medical and dental benefits, and flexibility in working hours so that I can be present to my child for doctor visits or school events. Having the space to grow in my career and the space to be present to my family has been my key to longevity at Uplight.”

I was promoted less than a year after my daughter was born.”


Driving sustainable solutions for all: “The amount of metric tons of carbon we hope to abate is equivalent to some countries’ goals in the Paris Climate Accord. We have an equally ambitious goal around driving sustainable solutions for all; not just the privileged. Uplighters fight against climate change – one of the biggest threats of our time.”

“Policy is an important strategy in fighting global climate change, but can only go so far. Uplight makes software for hundreds of millions of utility customers to help them engage with their energy usage, make smart energy decisions, and spark individual action. I believe that millions of little actions can catalyze big changes, and the “people side” of the climate change equation has always been a passion of mine. How do we motivate people to make a change? How do we ensure the benefit of our work reaches all communities? Uplight asks these questions daily and works diligently to answer them.”


Mary Roberts
Manager of Account Management • FareHarbor

FareHarbor is an online reservation and management software system for tours and travel activity.


An emphasis on continuous learning: “One of the reasons I continue enjoying my work here is that we are constantly learning new skills such as Google Analytics, SEO, digital marketing, UX design, and so much more,” Roberts said. “I have never been in an environment that offers this level of continued learning. I enjoy this ever-changing environment that offers every employee the opportunity to share their ideas, and to see those ideas implemented to better our workflow and our client’s experience.”

This is the first job I have had where I am able to regularly tell everyone I meet that I love what I do.”


Looking ahead: “From online resources to grow their businesses to employee-led webinars, we are doing all that we can to continue leading the tour and activity space, thanks to the people we have here at FareHarbor. Currently, I manage the account management team overseeing 48 percent of our client base. I work daily to improve our internal processes, redesign workflows, and support account managers so they are able to do what they love most, which is growing businesses and nurturing the relationships we have with tour and activity operators across the globe. 2020 was a hard year for many of our clients. We are anticipating a huge turnaround in 2021 as COVID-19 is mitigated and people are able to travel again.”


Allie Maupin
Manager, Customer Success • Trustpilot

Founded in 2007, Trustpilot is a digital review platform bringing businesses and consumers together to inspire transparent collaboration. Customers and business owners exist symbiotically to promote informed shopping and improved experiences through honest feedback. 


Making an impact: “I decided to make the move to Trustpilot because I was looking for a place where I could make an impact,” Maupin said. “From day one at Trustpilot, it was clear to me how my daily work contributed to the company as a whole and our overall mission. It’s been so rewarding to see Trustpilot’s growth over these past few years and know that my efforts and feedback had a direct impact.”

From day one, it was clear to me how my daily work contributed to the company as a whole.”


Improving customer reviews: “Over the past year, we’ve made a lot of changes that have allowed us to combat fake reviews while also becoming more open and transparent in the way that we work. Specifically, as a part of the customer success team, I’m looking forward to working more closely with our customers on not just collecting reviews, but also how they can learn and improve overall from their customer feedback.”


Eric Spery
Vice President, Engineering • Housecall Pro

At Housecall Pro, personal growth coincides with product growth, according to Vice President of Engineering Eric Spery. Using a core SaaS platform, Housecall Pro assists home service professionals to streamline and scale their business. 


In it for the long haul: “A lot of companies claim their decision making processes are egoless, and at Housecall I have seen that proven to be true,” Spery said. “More than any other company I’ve ever worked with, Housecall Pro’s leadership has confidence and trust in its people. Team members care more about getting a decision right than about who’s making that decision. This culture came out in the first conversation I had with the founders and I’ve since watched it play out over and over at every level. The psychological safety to share ideas was one of the biggest deciding factors for me.”

Housecall Pro’s leadership has confidence and trust in its people.”


Opportunities for growth: “Unlike a lot of companies with software engineering organizations, Housecall Pro doesn’t look at its engineers as a fungible commodity. With the right process and discipline, every engineer that joins the team knows that we’re dedicated not just to creating great products for our customers, but to spending time challenging and growing them as engineers.”

“If you join our team, you will definitely find a lot of opportunities to grow and learn. In turn, you’ll help build even bigger and better products for our customers.”


Heather Hobbs
Product Owner • Granicus LLC

At Granicus, Product Owner Heather Hobbs said her team identifies and plans how to achieve their goal of bringing people and local government together. The organization provides the technology and methodology to empower government organizations to create a stronger digital presence for their constituents.


Feeling valued: “Even after just over three years later at Granicus, I feel as valued and challenged as the first day,” Hobbs said.

“I continue to grow in my role and learn from everyone I work with. I think the biggest reason I’ll continue to be with Granicus for the foreseeable future is the opportunities afforded to me to grow my skill set while working with some incredible people and teams.”

I'm excited to help my teams identify and plan the work necessary for us to continue our mission in new, compelling ways.”


Laying the groundwork: “The digital services landscape is constantly changing, and there are some really exciting plans in the pipeline for Granicus that will continue to help people connect with their government. I’m excited to help my teams identify and plan the work necessary for us to continue our mission in new, compelling ways while supporting agile methodology.”


Derek Leslie
Product Lead, Autonomous Vehicles • Outrider

Outrider is a Golden-based logistics company focused on automating yard operations for logistics hubs, which helps large enterprises improve safety and increase efficiency. Product Lead of Autonomous Vehicles Derek Leslie said what gets him most excited, however, is delivering a reliable and safe system that solves real problems.


Making real headway: “I joined Outrider because they aren’t wasting any time solving one of the biggest problems in the supply chain – distribution yards,” Leslie said. 

“Outrider is hyper-focused on inefficient distribution yards. For large logistics-heavy companies, we replace simple walkie-talkies and clipboards with an autonomous system. It’s magical when supply chain leaders see a 53-foot trailer move from point A to point B all by itself. They are amazed that there’s finally a way to make yards more efficient and safer.”

It’s magical when supply chain leaders see a 53-foot trailer move from point A to point B all by itself.”


Scaling for the future: “I love to get lost in the intricacies of how to accurately back a 24-ton trailer to the dock door or how the robotic arm connects and disconnects the brake lines. Yet, at the end of the day, I get excited about delivering a reliable and safe system that simply solves real problems. Second, I’m excited to help Outrider rewrite the environmental outcome of the movement of goods. Today, diesel yard trucks emit 3.8 million metric tons of carbon dioxide into the atmosphere – the equivalent of one coal-firing plant. By using electric yard trucks for our autonomous system, Outrider is accelerating the replacement of thousands of diesel yard trucks.”


Meghan Lewis
Account Manager • Greenhouse Software

Greenhouse Software is a data-driven recruiting platform that helps teams improve their interview process and automate communications, among other benefits. 


A hidden opportunity for growth: “What ultimately made me choose Greenhouse was the company’s adaptability and outlook on growth,” Lewis said. “When I interviewed almost two years ago, I actually didn’t get the role I applied for. What started as a rejection from the recruiter, however, quickly pivoted into an opportunity I never saw coming. Recruitment informed me the skills assessed in my overall scorecard aligned better with another department. It turns out they were looking to build an implementation team in Denver and the position just hadn’t gone live yet.”

After a few days of mulling it over, Lewis’s final call with the director sealed the deal. “Saying yes ended up being the best decision for my career,” she said.

The events of 2020 caused an unintended, but very much needed, wake-up call to how companies perceived hiring.”


A strong comittment to DEI: “We just recently launched candidate name pronunciation and gender pronouns. Do you know what a difference that makes to someone who’s spent their life constantly correcting people, or having to tiptoe in a binary world?” Lewis said. 

“I think the events of 2020 really caused an unintended, but very much needed, wake-up call to how companies perceived hiring. Some get it. Others don’t. Some want to get it, but don’t know where to start. Others have started, but with surface level intentions. For my team in particular, it’s created some tough conversations along the way, but we remain committed to open communication with our customers. We certainly don’t have it all figured out, but we also don’t shy away from the uncomfortable. I’m lucky to be surrounded by employees like that.”

Hiring Now
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