How Zoom Video elevates its sales team to promote professional growth

At Zoom Video Communications, employees are provided the tools to grow and develop beyond their starting teams. We spoke to four members of the sales team to learn how they train new employees and what motivates them. 

Written by Brian Nordli
Published on Jun. 26, 2018
How Zoom Video elevates its sales team to promote professional growth
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Matthew Melser wants his mid-market sales team members to outgrow him at Zoom Video Communications. That kind of professional growth is a common goal across the company and sales team.

With a dedicated sales training team, a mentorship program and an “Elevate” program designed to encourage continuous education, employees have the opportunity to develop from within. We spoke to four members of the sales team to learn how they train new employees and what motivates them.


Zoom Front desk
Photography By Haley Samuelson
Zoom Office
Photography By Haley Samuelson
Zoom Motto Wall
Photography by Haley Samuelson



EMPLOYEES: 1,200-plus (180-plus in Denver)

WHAT THEY DO: Zoom provides a platform for video/audio communication, collaboration, chat and webinars to help businesses bring their teams together.

WHERE THEY DO IT: Denver and worldwide

PERKS: Employees are provided four free meals a week and a fitness reimbursement.

FUN FACT: The Zoom Video Communications team is so dedicated to their company culture that they developed a team dedicated to keeping employees happy. Learn more.


Alicia Gong

Alicia Portrait


Alicia Marchant, Manager, SMB Value-Added Sales

Alicia Marchant leads a team of account managers, helping them grow and optimize Zoom for the company’s customer base. Her responsibilities include helping the team set and accomplish goals both on an individual and team-wide basis.  

BEYOND WORK:  Alicia loves solving escape rooms.


How does a typical day break up?

My day usually starts with updating reports, tracking performance and noting trends. Then I’ll have several one-on-ones throughout the day. Some days we'll look at charts and talk performance; other days we'll strategize a large deal or go for a walk and talk about life. I value these interactions because each person offers a unique perspective, and I learn something new every time. I also attend customer calls whenever possible, especially if it’s a big opportunity or client issue.

What processes are in place to make new salespeople successful?

All new hires go through a formal training program starting with an intensive, week-long onsite training at our headquarters in San Jose. Over the next month, they have daily sessions on different topics and activities to complete. Our training team is always willing to help with customized sessions based on what we could benefit from.


This team is highly motivated by a sense of purpose and security."


Outside of money, what motivates members of this sales team?

This team is highly motivated by a sense of purpose and security. We are all working toward the success of Zoom. Accolades like our 2018 "Top small workplace in Denver" designation in the Denver Post are encouraging reminders of what we have here.

Matt Portrait


Matthew Melser, Mid-Market Segment Leader

Matthew Melser’s team works to bring on new customers and grow the mid-market segment revenue for Zoom. His goal is to inspire his team and help them reach their goals.   

BEYOND WORK: He loves to play golf when he can find the time.


What does professional development look like at Zoom?

We are a fast-growing company that loves to promote from within. I work closely with everyone on my team to help them accomplish their goals and progress in their careers. This may sound strange, but my goal is to help everyone grow out of my team and move on to new ones.

Zoom has a few programs to help with this. Our sales enablement team onboards new hires and provides continuous education to employees. They also put together a program called “Elevate,” where the sales team across the company meets to discuss sales processes and topics. It’s a great way to meet teammates and spread knowledge. We also have a mentorship program that pairs new hires with more experienced employees. They meet regularly in the office and outside, where they volunteer, do fun activities and spend quality time getting to know each other.  


My goal is to help everyone grow out of my team and move on to new ones."


What advantages does using the product while selling provide?

Remotely connecting with clients saves critical time. We’re able to schedule more external meetings, which allows us to keep clients happy and speeds up the sales cycle. Meanwhile, Zoom allows our clients to easily see and communicate with us. I feel that our clients have a great trust in us, and we have better relationships with all of our clients.


MORE ON ZOOM VIDEO COMMUNICATIONSWhy Zoom Video Communications built a team dedicated to happiness


When interviewing, how do you know you’ve found the right person? Who makes for a good culture fit?  

Finding a good culture fit is most important in my book. I look for someone who is motivated and wants to dive into what motivates them. If they have the right motivation and an eagerness to learn and grow, then typically it will work out in the long run. We have a great coaching program and sales enablement team. If they are open to receiving that coaching and feedback, then we’ll be able to accomplish big things together.


Zoom team collaborating in the office

Tessa Green Screen

Tessa Portrait


Tessa Salicos, Account Executive, Upmarket VAST

Tessa Salicos works with existing Zoom customers on their long-term collaboration goals. She builds relationships with the clients and understands their needs to discover where Zoom can make an impact.  

BEYOND WORK: Tessa loves traveling and exploring, whether in her own neighborhood, on mountain trails or abroad.


What advantages does using the product during sales provide in selling?

One of the best parts of my job is that I get to use our product to engage with customers and ultimately sell that same product. This gives insight into the customer’s experience with Zoom and how they prefer to use it, based on how they join (video on or off, dial in or VoIP, etc.).

It also allows me to show customers everything that’s possible with Zoom live in the meeting, rather than on a slide deck. If they want to use Zoom Meetings for breakout rooms within their department, I can do that in the meeting and show them how easy it is to accomplish.

What impact does Zoom’s product have on your work-life balance?

The ability to work from anywhere is freeing. I have responded to chats on my cell phone while in an Uber. I have joined an all-hands meeting from an airplane. I have taken customer meetings from my dining room table. I am able to be more flexible in my schedule because of Zoom, and I love helping our customers enable their workforce to do the same.


I am able to be more flexible in my schedule because of Zoom, and I love helping our customers enable their workforce to do the same."


Outside of money, what motivates members of this sales team?

As with many salespeople, our team is naturally competitive. Some of our motivation comes from each other, as we celebrate wins and look at our own pipeline. Outside of our team, there is a drive to win as a company. We celebrate everyone’s successes, whether we are on different continents or sit next to each other.


MORE ON ZOOM VIDEO COMMUNICATIONSWhy Zoom Video Communications built a team dedicated to happiness


Zoom team collaborating in the office

Isaac Portrait


Isaac Hansen, Account Executive, Franchise Team

Isaac Hansen builds relationships with clients and helps them integrate Zoom into their work.

BEYOND WORK: He enjoys spending time with his family.


What does career development look like at Zoom?

I came to Zoom with no sales background. I had the opportunity to start as a sales development representative, which not only taught me the ins and outs of sales but also a lot about the product. After two quarters in that role, I showed my willingness to learn and was given the chance to help start a new team as an enterprise business development representative.

We built that team from five employees to 44 in one year. Now, I’ve been given another opportunity to join and grow the franchise team. The team is only three people now, but we plan to grow.


[Our sales training] program brings
in sales reps to share first-hand knowledge of what allowed them to succeed here at Zoom."


What is the training process like for new employees?

Training has completely changed since I joined two years ago. Now Frank Traditi, our head of sales training, delves into everything from culture dos and don'ts to in-depth product breakdowns. His program brings in successful sales reps to share first-hand knowledge of what has allowed them to succeed here at Zoom. We've also incorporated our “Elevate” program to help employees grow professionally.


MORE ON ZOOM VIDEO COMMUNICATIONSWhy Zoom Video Communications built a team dedicated to happiness


Responses have been edited for length and clarity.

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