Personal cloud app younity teams up with GoPro in a game-changing marketing move

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Published on Jul. 22, 2014
Personal cloud app younity teams up with GoPro in a game-changing marketing move


Put simply, personal cloud app younity makes all digital content accessible all the time on any device for free.

But it turns out that even though younity can do “everything” when it comes to the personal cloud, consumers can’t quite comprehend the “everything” angle. People were hesitant to try younity because it honestly just sounded too good to be true.

“We were missing the boat when we were talking about everything younity does because everything doesn’t matter to everyone,” CEO Erik Caso said. “You don’t fall in love with a product that way.”

So to get people to fall in love with younity, the team is launching a series of game-changing, thematic partnerships today. First up, is an integration with GoPro, which will allow users to automatically discover and catalogue their GoPro footage.

Aligning with the GoPro name isn’t a bad marketing move either considering GoPro just IPO’d and its share prices have since soared. The younity team, which is based in both Boulder and Santa Monica, actually got in touch with GoPro via an investor connection. When younity approached GoPro with the idea of helping users share, store and catalogue their videos, GoPro was ecstatic.

“They said sorting through GoPro content is not a big problem, but it’s the biggest problem for their users,” Caso said. “We accepted the challenge.”


Just one minute of GoPro footage is typically 2GB. But even though video takes up so much space, users never want to get rid of it. younity is easing that pain point by mining out metadata from these videos and auto-cataloging them. That way, while younity users are, say, out to drinks and referencing that one time they hiked the Great Wall of China, they can quickly pull up the viideo from the younity app. And no precious mobile data space is wasted either.

With the GoPro integration launching today, younity will next be focusing on individual partnerships for photos, music, etc, each that are marketed to enthusiast groups.

“As a small company with essentially zero marketing budget, we are trying to figure out how to engage,” Caso said. “Now our engagement is exploding every single month. We are getting people who are really connecting with each release. This release is pretty emblematic of where we see things going. People really care about all the content they have; this content defines all the things about us.”

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