4 of the biggest names in tech discuss why Colorado is so collaborative

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Published on Nov. 03, 2015

There’s no doubt about it, Colorado has an amazingly collaborative and supportive tech ecosystem. Companies that in other cities would be bitter rivals often work hand in hand here — even competitors. As any of the multitudes of new arrivals from the coast will tell you, that’s not only not the norm, it’s exceptional. And, it is exactly that sort of mentality that makes Colorado one of the best places in the world to start a business. 

It’s hard to know exactly why Colorado companies behave this way, but one credible theory is that many early companies and tech leaders have adopted a ’Give First’ philosophy. The basic idea behind that mantra is that if organizations adopt a give before you get mentality, the entire startup community will grow exponentially faster, thus benefiting everyone. It’s about as much of a hippie, Boulder theory as you can find, but given the strength of the Colorado startup ecosystem, it appears to be working.

The people at Technical Integrity dug a little deeper and rounded up some of the biggest names in Colorado tech and asked them what they thought about ‘Give First.' The resulting video series can be seen below, and you can click on any of the titles to read Dave Mayer, CEO of Technical Integrity's accompanying blog post. 

Give First: A video series with David Cohen of Techstars


Ari Newman, Partner at Techstars, gives first every day


The Entrepreneurs Foundation of Colorado helps startups #givefirst


MergeLane CEO, Sue Heilbronner: “Giving First is about showing up and being awesome"

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