These Colorado companies are going all out for the Star Wars premiere

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Published on Dec. 17, 2015
These Colorado companies are going all out for the Star Wars premiere

The Star Wars: The Force Awakens hype is reaching a dizzying crescendo, with the film set to be released this evening. From all critical accounts, the film is fantastic and Jar Jar is nowhere to be found. Rotten Tomatoes has certified the film as 'fresh' and it has reached a 95 percent on their Tomatometer. Advance ticket sales are smashing records, with Fandango's advance sale record broken eight times over. If you don't already have tickets, your best bet is likely Craigslist, where tickets are going for around $80. 

We found three companies embracing the frenzy in full force. From CEOs in Storm Trooper costumes to creating products that are starring in the film, you'd be hard pressed to find people more psyched for tonight's release.

Convercent team members will be showing up throughout launch week dressed in full on Star Wars garb. For the launch itself, the company is hosting a screening of the film in 3D, followed by a happy hour. In case you were wondering, that is, in fact, their CEO dressed as a Storm Trooper and their CPO as Chewbacca.

If they could invite one Star Wars character to their office: "The SL-5794, because he is a member of the Mountain Garrison at the 501st charity Stormtrooper Legion. Any time you can get Darth Vader to do charity work, promote good works in your community and interest in Star Wars, it’s a good thing. Bad guys doing good." - Steve Bickel, Sr. Database Engineer


Sphero has a lot riding on this film. The company's BB-8 Droid is a star, after all. Sphero has made the Star Wars launch a part of their holiday party. Following dinner at a local restaurant, employees will be treated to a screening of the film at a movie theater that the company rented out. While not required, they expect a good number of employees to show up in costume. 

If they could invite one Star Wars character to their office: "BB-8 obviously!!! But for real, Han Solo because everybody likes a rugged Space Captain." - Jasmine Kuliasha, Executive Administrative Assistant


SolidFire is clearing employee calendars at 6 p.m. every night this week and after hours meetings are banned. Instead, the company has retrofitted a conference room to perform as a movie theater. Every night the team settles into a screening of one of the first six episodes. "We are going in 'machete' order of all six episodes," Travis Gockel, SolidFire Software Engineer and Bidetly editor said. "We are traditionalists, so we are watching the de-specialized versions without the added special effects."

In addition, this month's installment of The Bidetly, Solidfire's internal newspaper, has a Star Wars theme. Since this paper is distributed in company bathrooms, this issue is titled "Stall Wars."

If they could invite one Star Wars character to their office: "Jar Jar Binks. There isn't one person in the room who doesn't want his head. We think this act will be a swift victory for the Star Wars fan base." - Travis Gockel, SolidFire Software Engineer


Have a tip for us or know of a company that deserves coverage? Email us via [email protected]


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