Tech or treat: Meet the spookiest Halloween office dogs in Colorado tech

The only thing cuter than an office dog is an office dog in costume. That’s why, this Halloween, we asked local, dog-friendly tech companies to send us the spookiest shots of their offices’ four-legged friends — and beware: it’s scary how cute they are.

Written by April Bohnert
Published on Oct. 31, 2017


The only thing cuter than an office dog is an office dog in costume. That’s why, this Halloween, we asked local, dog-friendly tech companies to send us the spookiest shots of their offices’ four-legged friends — and beware: it’s scary how cute they are.


Apto halloween dog Colorado
Photo from Apto.

Duke may look adorable in his goblin costume, but the truth is, his favorite part of Halloween is the part where one of the Apto crew goes, “Aww!” and hands him a treat. After he’s wiggled his way out of his sweater, Duke can be found napping under his human’s desk.

Best trick: Sad puppy eyes for snacks

Favorite treat: Deli meat

What spooks your office dog?

Wearing a Halloween costume


Havenly Halloween dog Colorado
Photos from Havenly.

Oliver the King Charles Cavalier loves Halloween — so much that one costume just isn’t enough. In between naps and wardrobe changes, Oliver hangs out with the humans at online interior design company Havenly, especially his number one human, senior director of growth Matthew Earley.

Best trick: Posing for photos in a Halloween costume

Favorite treat: Greenies

What spooks your office dog?

Other dogs trying to steal his toys!


Zen Planner halloween dogs Colorado
Photos from Zen Planner.

Louie the lion and Goose the Golden are regulars in the Zen Planner office, where they show this fitness tech team what a “down dog” really looks like. When they’re not busy licking faces during group yoga or begging for some fresh snacks from senior customer success manager Kathleen Howell and customer advocate Christian Kogler, they’re practicing their roars and lobster crawls for Halloween.

Louie’s best trick: Office safety patrol (no running, please)

Goose’s best trick: Jumping on fallen trees out in the woods and lobster impersonations

Louie’s favorite treat: Apples

Goose’s favorite treat: Broccoli stalks! And spinach

What spooks Louis?


What spooks Goose?

Ghouls, goblins and gremlins. Some warlocks, too.


Brandfolder halloween dogs Colorado
Photos from Brandfolder

This year Brandfolder’s furry friends, Bosley and Darwin, got to unleash their spirit animals: the zebra and the lizard. Not only do they know how to rock stripes and scales, but these good boys also have an impressive array of tricks they’re willing to show off for a treat.

Best tricks: Playing dead, shaking hands, balancing treats on noses and more

Favorite treats: Any kind of soft meat chews or jerky

What spooks your office dogs?

The crickets living in the rafters, squirrels, other dogs visible across the hall, each other…


Stack Overflow halloween dog Colorado
Photo from Stack Overflow.

Mickey is Stack Overflow’s resident cuddle buddy — and who could say no to those puppy dog eyes? This Halloween, Mickey went with the traditional pumpkin costume, but next year he’s going as a skeleton — in honor of his favorite treat.

Best trick: He lays down and pretends to be a pillow!

Favorite treat: A bone

What spooks your office dog?

The vacuum


TurboTenant Halloween dogs Colorado 1
Photos from TurboTenant. Left: Barley, Rogue, Casey. Right: Asher


TurboTenant Halloween dogs Colorado 2
Photos from TurboTenant. Left: Millie. Right: Gonzo

On any given day, there are roughly 10 dogs to the 15-20 humans in the TurboTenant office, meaning there’s no shortage of friends and toys to play with, bones to chew on, or blankets to curl up in. In between meetings and belly rubs, this pack of party animals loves going for long “TurboTrots” around Fort Collins with the team.

Best trick: Sleeping through office meetings

Favorite treat: Any crumbs that happen to find their way on the floor

What spooks your office dogs?

Squirrels! They have nightmares about being taunted by them.


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