Report: Denver Tech Salary Growth Is Second Largest in the U.S.

A new survey found Denver tech salaries are the second-fastest growing in the nation, up 9 percent year over year to an average of $126,000.

Written by Nona Tepper
Published on Jun. 23, 2020
Report: Denver Tech Salary Growth Is Second Largest in the U.S.
Denver hired salaries
Photo: Shutterstock

Denver tech workers are making bank. A new survey found Denver tech salaries are the second-fastest growing in the nation, up 9 percent year-over-year to an average of $126,000. The report also found that Denver tech workers’ cash goes the second farthest in the United States, buying more groceries, a larger apartment, a nicer car than most other geographies surveyed. Austin was the only city to beat out Denver in both metrics, according to findings from Hired’s annual “2020 State of Salaries.”

Released on Tuesday, Hired’s annual report analyzes data from tech workers in 10 cities across the U.S., Europe and Canada about salaries, race, gender and more. Hired aims to remove the stigma around salary discussion and promote transparency across tech by compiling this information.

Rounding out the top three U.S. hubs when it comes to average tech salary growth was Seattle in third, though San Francisco still leads overall with an average tech salary of $155,000.

Nationally, Hired found that professionals in product management earned the most in the industry, at $154,000 per year at the end of 2019; software engineers earned $146,000; those in data scientist earned $139,000; and those in design made $134,000. Data scientist roles experienced the largest salary jump, up 8.5 percent year over year.

The average tech worker in the U.S. earned $146,000 in 2019. This salary can range by gender and race. In 2019, black employees earned an average $10,000 less than white employees. Their expectations fall short of what their white counterparts earn too.

Black women, for example, expect to earn $0.88 for every $1 a white man makes, the survey found. Black men expect to earn $0.92 for every $1 a white man makes, according to the report.

Hired said it conducted 2,400 interviews with software engineers, product managers, DevOps engineers, designers and data scientists to compile the data. It surveyed professionals in San Francisco, Austin, Denver, Chicago, Boston, LA, Seattle, Washington, D.C., London and Toronto.

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