8 Colorado startups making Thanksgiving easier this year

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Published on Nov. 16, 2016
8 Colorado startups making Thanksgiving easier this year

With Thanksgiving right around the corner (yeah, we’re shocked too) and so much left to do, it’s easy to slip into a nightmare fantasyland where everything about the meal is a total disaster. Fortunately, Colorado tech is here to pull you out of your dismal reverie with solutions that’ll help your Thanksgiving go smoothly.


If you’d rather have groceries delivered than fight the crowds at Whole Foods, Door to Door Organics is the way to go. You can choose a subscription level, customize your order and select which items you’d like delivered every week. Each item has information about where it was produced, whether animals lived free-range lives and even offers up recipe suggestions for certain items.


Don’t have a turkey baster? Don’t sweat it. Instead of going to the store and buying something you’ll use once a year at most, why not see if your neighbors have one? Fluid lets people post items they’re willing to lend people for a small fee, from cooking equipment to drones. They hope to reduce waste, get people talking to their neighbors and help people make a little money along the way.


When the kids' table starts to get rowdy, have the little ones gather around an iPad, fire up one of Edify’s apps and watch as they go from crying for pie to musical virtuosos. Edify’s apps Musiquest and Sketch-A-Song get kids engaged in learning how music composition works — knowledge that’s shown to improve their performance in other areas, like math and language development.


If Uncle Joe interrupts the kids’ music-building and starts asking them what they want to be when they grow up, it might help to have Couragion on hand. Their platform lets kids explore different STEM-related careers by exposing them to videos created by real-life “mentors” working in different fields. The platform’s role models are all early in their careers, making them more relatable to kids.


Need a breather after arguing about politics? Check out gaia, a Netflix-style subscription service for people living “conscious lifestyles.” Their content includes yoga and meditation videos, along with spiritual health guides teaching lessons on topics like gratitude. And if you want to strike up a lively conversation separate from politics, their “Seeking Truth” channel addresses everything from metaphysics to the paranormal and UFOs.


If you’re more of a fútbol family than a football one, get your soccer fix from The18. Their site has soccer news, match highlights and even tutorial videos showing you how to pull off some of the top moves of the sport. Plus, they have videos of dogs playing soccer, which, I mean...


Did Grandma wait until the last minute to invite you to Thanksgiving dinner at her house in Philly? With a Pana membership, you can text their digital concierge with your trip preferences and it’ll reply with a confirmation of your flight. They offer a free 30-day trial so you can test it out on your way to and from dinner, fueling your wanderlust while the tryptophan kicks in.


If all else fails and you can’t make it to the family gathering, soften the blow by sending a card from Card Gnome. They work with dozens of artists to create their cards, which are printed on recycled paper. Browse by artist, or check out the entire category they’ve got dedicated to Thanksgiving. You can either have them send you the card to mail yourself, or write a personal message and send it directly from their site.


Photos via featured companies and social media.

We’ve got a head start on getting in the spirit of giving thanks, and we want to know — what are you grateful for?

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