The new years resolutions of 6 Colorado tech companies' CEOs

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Published on Dec. 30, 2015
The new years resolutions of 6 Colorado tech companies' CEOs

As 2016 comes increasingly close, many of us are considering our New Year's resolutions, and CEOs are no exception. 

We caught up with some of the heads of Colorado’s largest and fastest growing companies and asked them about the goals they have for their companies and themselves in 2016. 

Dean Stoeker, CEO of  

1. Our hiring plan is to add 200 new employees in 2016 so one of our most important goals is to invest in the training and development of our employees. Scaling a business would be difficult without the leadership skills needed and advancing the careers of our co-workers is, in my view, the best approach. Career development is a huge goal for us in 2016.

2. Building insanely great software products that customers love requires developing a balanced work culture. This culture requires an environment that supports worker creativity, curiosity and innovation with a performance based culture that achieves business requirements and customer expectations. Supporting an amazing work culture is a key goal for Alteryx in 2016 and beyond.

3. We have offices, employees, customers and partners in every corner of the globe so there will be lots of business travel for me in 2016. My personal goal is to remain healthy so the time I spend with my family is optimized. So, I will be working out as much as possible, running, cycling, eating right and drinking lots of water.


Eric Grossman, CEO of 

1. Help a larger number of underserved Colorado populations gain access to appropriate care settings. By expanding our customer base to more plans that serve the Colorado Medicaid populations, our technology will help educate and guide those consumers to better, more cost-effective healthcare options. 

2. Triple the size of the company. The demand for our solution is increasing rapidly, and we need to keep pace with that demand by hiring energetic, innovative engineers, analysts, and data scientists who want to truly change the face of healthcare. The talent pool in Colorado is deep and growing, and we want to attract the best of the best to NextHealth.

3. Run a marathon in under 4 hours. Just like growing a business, this will demand focus, determination and dedication.


Steve Prather, CEO of  

1. With the holidays upon us and 2015 almost at an end, I am thinking back at what worked and what did not work for us in 2015, and how to apply those lessons in 2016.  While Dizzion’s 2015 batting average was very good, we always plan for improvement in the next season.

2. For 2016, there are the big standard goals - such as revenue and costs - and the smaller ones that move the needle less, but that are just as important in the aggregate over the year. Dizzion’s big focus in 2016 will continue to be building and growing our team (we almost tripled in 2015 and plan to double in 2016), and our ability to support our customers at the highest level of which we are capable.  We’re fortunate that the two goals are well aligned: we are dependent on a willing and capable team to get us where we want to go.

3. On a personal note, my biggest goal for 2016 is to laugh a little more. It’s far too easy to take everything too seriously in a world where most things seem to be harder than they need to be.


Daniel Glaser, Founder & Principal of 

1.  My original vision for our company is still the driving force behind our biggest goal of 2016 - to help design teams make more sustainable buildings and lively spaces. I want to keep providing easy access to daylight analysis through our Web Application, LightStanza.  We'd love to increase our user base in the next 12 months by 10x or more and know it's feasible with new colleagues.

2.  Another goal of our company is to keep succeeding with the small business innovation approach, working with talented and flexible colleagues who take authentic ownership of their work, culture, and product to serve our forward thinking customers. We want to grow with like-minded software engineers who also recognize this competitive advantage, going against the grain of the macro-business frenzy in Boulder.

3. Finding a way to fit a fat-bike tire onto a skinny bus rack...


Josh Swihart, CEO of  

1. My goal is to have Aventeer become the place in Colorado for tech freelancers to be found and land great work.

2. And to get at least 20 companies consistently using the platform to find and book local talent.

3. Personally, I plan to beat my best time on the Mt. Evans Hill Climb by 15 minutes. And eat chocolate every day. And try more bourbons. 


Yaniv Kanfi, President of 

1. Today, we empower people to take control of their health through actionable information including what could be wrong with them and where they could go for appropriate care. In 2016, we’ll deliver on our goal of providing cost transparency for people on procedures and medications based on their own specific plan.

2. In 2016, we’ll work toward delivering a simpler, more intuitive way for you to find the medical information you need in iTriage. It’ll be a platform on which we can build most-wanted features for the future, providing more value for everyone involved in the healthcare continuum—consumers, medical providers, employers, and health plans. 

3. I plan to continue to expand my scope as Aetna’s local Denver leader on consumer digital health innovation by partnering with additional like-minded organizations committed to empowering people through technology.

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