5 places anybody can learn to code in Colorado

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Published on May. 20, 2015
5 places anybody can learn to code in Colorado

Coding is one of those things we all know we should learn. Maybe you don’t need to be a coding genius, but learning even a little bit can go a long way. You’ll suddenly be able to speak to all sorts of people about things that were, until you learned to code, absolutely unintelligible. It’s a lot like learning to speak another language. The fact is, anybody can learn to code in Colorado — and some of the options are absolutely free.

“Whether you are pursuing a passion, or looking to change careers, or just want to satisfy a curiosity - learning to code can bring newfound independence," Girl Develop It Denver Chapter Lead Bree Thomas said. "It’s a critical skill in today’s market, and even if you don’t entertain passions of becoming a full time coder, having a basic understanding of how things work in technology and software will serve you well on many a team."

No matter what your current coding ability is, the list below should set you on the right path to learning tomorrow’s Lingua Franca.Girl Develop It

What it is: Girl Develop It is a nonprofit aimed at providing women with affordable programs to learn coding in a judgment free zone. Their website offers a ton of open sourced materials about coding you can access here. The organization has chapters in Ft. Collins, Denver and Boulder.

What they teach: They have in-person classes that will get you started with anything from HTML to JavaScript.

What it costs: Prices vary, but they’re pretty reasonable. Their upcoming Intro to JavaScript class is 8 hours long and costs $80.

Who it’s for: Women, especially those at a beginner or intermediate level.

Galvanize Full Stack

What it is: This is the real deal. A 24-week program that’ll teach you how to be able to join a development team and not make a fool of yourself. The program ends in a hiring day, and the program boasts a 98% placement rate. If this particular program isn't right for you, gSchool has several more to choose from. 

What you’ll learn: The program focuses on Ruby, Rails, JavaScript, and a little bit on HTML, CSS, Testing, Angular and Ember.

What it costs: It’s not cheap at $21k , but the median salary of graduates is $73k. If you can live at $52k for a year you’ve recouped your investment.

Who it’s for: People who want a job as a coder.


What it is: Codeacadamy is on online coding school that’ll teach you how to code without leaving your couch. One of its greatest benefits is its availability. You can squeeze a quick lesson in just about anytime – be it on your lunch or on the train with their iPhone app.

What you’ll learn: They have lots of classes (HTML, CSS, JavaScript, PHP, etc.) and you can go at your own pace.

What it costs: Absolutely free

Who it’s for: Anybody with a computer or a smart phone. If nothing else, this is a great way to dabble with coding to see if it’s for you.

Denver Public Library’s DevCamp

What it is: The camp is a fairly intensive week, where teens will learn the basics of coding over the course of five, 4-hour sessions. The sixth day is a demo day.

What you’ll learn: The basics of HTML, CSS and JavaScript

What it costs: It's absolutely free, but you’ll likely want to sign up early as space is limited and the program is popular.

Who it’s for: Teens between the ages of 12 and 19.

University of Denver

What it is: A certificate program in software design and programming. You have to complete six courses, four of which are required and another two of your choosing. You can see the courses offered here. There are, of course, several other universities in Colorado with top-notch programs as well. 

What you’ll learn: You’ll learn C#, Java, Python and PHP – and some other useful stuff along the way.

What it costs: Let's just say this isn’t a cheap option. You’ll be paying $599 a credit hour for 24 hours, plus fees – expect it to be over $14k.

Who it’s for: People who want proof they can code on their resume.


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