Never Settle launches online marketplace for developers

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Published on Sep. 11, 2014
Never Settle launches online marketplace for developers

Never Settle, a local development startup, is currently launching an online marketplace for developers. As part of its growth process, it has acquired the soap company Osana, bringing in a team with which it already has a rich history.

Kenn Kelly and Shaul Hagen, two of Osana's originators, already own two thirds of Never Settle. The other belongs to Andrew Lundquist, a friend of Kelly's since 2010, who came up with the Osana name, which translates to 'save now' in some African dialects. Both companies have strong social missions. So the acquisition makes sense.

Never Settle creates its own products and will now also help other developers sell their work online. It describes itself as “a minimalist company striving to be good stewards of everything we have been given and are a part of. We believe that people are everything and don't compromise on talent, the clients we choose to work with, or the Never Settle technology products we design and market.”

Kelly said he has learned valuable lessons from his experiences thusfar, which he will take into this new phase, about “the stark differences in business needs, practices, and capital between a digital products company and a physical products company. Also, the similarities between the two and where we can leverage those to each others advantage.”


Meanwhile, Kelly plans to ramp up Osana's work providing soap to those in countries stricken with poverty and disease. "We have a lot more resources available to us by coming under the Never Settle umbrella,” said Osana co-founder Kenn Kelly, “which will ultimately help us sell more soap, and more importantly provide more natural mosquito repellent to those around the world suffering from preventable deaths.” Since the merger, Osana's products have become available on Amazon, greatly streamlining its process.

When he's not busy helping Never Settle launch '12 products in 12 weeks,' Kelly plans to “create and provide globally understandable pictorial based educational content, which eliminates all language barriers, to the villages we provide our all natural mosquito repellent soap to.” He and his Osana co-founders are also writing an e-book about their experiences running an off-site business.

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