ShipCompliant Launches Automated Beer Compliance Software For Growing Craft Brewing Industry

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Published on Apr. 09, 2014
ShipCompliant Launches Automated Beer Compliance Software For Growing Craft Brewing Industry

[ibimage==26991==Original==]Colorado brewers (and beer lovers) take note! ShipCompliant, the Boulder-based industry leader in SaaS compliance for the beverage alcohol industry, announced today the launch of a revolutionary new solution for craft brewers: ShipCompliant Beer Edition, a suite of online compliance and distribution management tools that help brewers and beer importers bring products to market faster and more efficiently. 

According to a recent report by the Brewers Association, the number of small and independent breweries continues to grow, as the craft beer movement becomes an increasingly key driver of growth in the beer industry. However, as these brewers know all too well, the complexity of complying with a myriad of state regulations results in critical delays getting products to market while adding significant costs, an important concern in an industry where seasonal beers play such an important part in a product line. The new Beer Edition tools will provide an affordable and market-tested solution that will enable craft brewers and importers to grow into new markets faster, cheaper and more compliantly--which, for consumers, means better and easier access to great beer.

“Our successful experience removing regulatory barriers in the wine and spirits industries has allowed us to replicate the same proven technology for brewers and importers," said ShipCompliant CEO Jason Eckenroth. "By providing tools to overcome these regulatory barriers, businesses can expand and succeed faster while saving significant time, money and headaches.”

Beer Edition will allow brewers and importers to:

  • Enter new markets with automated state registration packets
  • Plan new label art and styles by first exploring a database of 2 million registered label images
  • Streamline reporting requirements with automated state gallonage and tax forms, specifically for brewers and beer importers
  • Understand the rules for expanding distribution with a database of state rules and management of state and federal licenses
  • Launch the latest seasonals right the first time with the industry’s only fully integrated TTB COLA application

The industry got its first look at ShipCompliant Beer Edition when it was introduced at the Brewers Association's Craft Brewers Conference on April 8th in Denver.

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