Insight into 4 local startup jobs: Raviv Turner

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Published on Mar. 27, 2014
Insight into 4 local startup jobs: Raviv Turner


Raviv Turner is the VP of Product at Boulder-based TapInfluence. He has over 13 years of product management and startup experience. Before working at the TapInfluence, a social-media influencer platform, he was the Co-Founder & CEO of Guerillapps, a NYC-based, social gaming startup.

1. What types of tasks emerge during your day?

As a wide achiever (vs. a high achiever) I find that working for a startup is much more fulfilling. As VP of Product, I'm responsible for our entire product life-cycle which creates a diverse, challenging, high-paced work environment: one moment I'm looking at some code with our engineers or solving a UI/UX problem, next I get to A/B test a feature talking to our users, or I get out of the building to interview customers, analyzing BI or prioritizing a product roadmap – I love the diversity!

2. How is hard work rewarded at TapInfluence?

There is of course monetary recognition, we also have weekly, company-wide 'kudos' announcements, industry event opportunities are also presented. For me, the best recognition I could get is our user recognition and getting good user feedback.

3. How does the team collaborate and work together? Alternatively, what flexibility do you have in your position?

Lots of meetings! Including executive, all-hands, product stakeholders, SCRUM meetings. I also keep a product wiki and a live chat open for quick, ad-hoc communication.

We're very flexible, our motto here is "be the CEO of your job", or like Uncle Ben says in Spiderman: "with great power comes great responsibility"!

4. What drives your work to the next level?

First and foremost, user feedback! I also like problem solving with the engineers or UIUX people, and agile product development and marketing.  According to the Myers-Briggs personality type I'm a Builder - Specialist. Therefore, I'm good at strategic planning and problem solving, I'm very independent, data and results driven.

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