Put Your Data to Work

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Published on Jun. 20, 2017
Put Your Data to Work

By: James Conti, Career Services Manager, Galvanize

There are plenty of articles and discussions on the web about what data science is, what qualities define a data scientist, and what companies are actually capable of doing with their data. Resources that outline the concrete steps to take in order to make data-driven business decisions are rare, but Galvanize can help. Galvanize students are equipped with industry aligned tools to provide actionable insight to even the most complex of business scenarios.

Galvanize is opening up their Data Science Immersive Internship Program to the larger tech community. Local organizations can submit project proposals for company sponsored capstone projects, and become involved in our more formalized internship program. Through this program, Galvanize Data Science students will help your company work through your project while you advise and provide mentorship.

Looking to get involved?  Simply fill out this form and a Galvanize team member will be in touch if your project aligns.  

Interested in seeing firsthand what is possible with your company's data set? Come view Data Science Capstone Projects this Thursday, June 22nd at our Golden Triangle Campus. Watch what is feasible with a data set in just two weeks of project work. The event is free and there will be staff available to speak about how you too can get involved and sponsor a project of your own.

Join some of Colorado’s most influential companies in realizing the true potential of your data.

“Galvanize students have access and opportunity to work on real-world transportation challenges in Colorado. In the first round, the students have demonstrated not just an expertise in data science, but an engaged, excited approach to how we can utilize data to maximize our transportation system. These students are going to help us keep people safer and moving, as well as help us better spend taxpayers dollars to benefit Colorado.” - Amy Ford, C.D.O.T.

“The talent I’ve encountered while working with Galvanize Data Science Students has been of the highest quality. We sponsored a capstone project that has helped New Belgium Brewing greatly improve our Sensory Program by creating incredibly valuable information. A Galvanize graduate took 1500 data files, developed a clustering model, and then performed K-means and PCA to create clusters based on similarity. This allowed us to identify trustworthy, biased, and cautious tasters. Data Science graduates from Galvanize will be a huge asset to any company and I look forward to working with them as much as possible.” - Matt Smith, New Belgium Brewing

“Working with Galvanize has been a treat and has allowed us both to draw on the amazing capacity of their students and to grow our own understanding and use of data. We have worked with a number of students on their capstone projects and found them to be engaged, clever, and very thoughtful. We had some incredible results from our collaboration. It’s such an asset to our community to have this kind of high performing talent within reach.” - Julia Richman, City of Boulder

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