By the numbers: Colorado's most in demand coding skills

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Published on Nov. 17, 2015

There are a lot of jobs for developers in Colorado and many of them are listed on Built in Colorado. By last count, we had over 250 job openings on the site just for people who know their way around code. That's a ton of jobs opportunities in a fairly narrow and specialized field.

Yet, on closer examination, there is an incredible diversity of development jobs out there. To say there are a lot of dev jobs available is kind of like saying there are a lot of jobs available at the airport. Some people fly planes, others direct air-traffic, and some just sell overpriced coffee. Developers do different things, requiring different skill sets. So, which skills should you learn? 

We dug into the numbers to see what skills were the most in demand for Colorado developers. 

"The popularity of any given language is bound to shift over time," Dave Mayer, CEO and founder at Technical Integrity said. "Your focus should be on the language that you're the most passionate about. Engineers looking to make a name for themselves should pay attention to the fluctuating needs of companies, and for any great engineer, adopting new skills is paramount."

The most common skills needed involve JavaScript, Full Stack and Data Engineering. Combined, those three categories accounted for about 100 of the total sampled positions. 

Although every developer I know seems to own an Android device, there were more jobs for iOS developers. There were 19 open positions for iOS developers and only 13 for Android.

As for the companies doing the hiring, there was a diverse array of companies, both small and large. The biggest single dev hirer, however, was LogRhythm. They were closely followed by the SpotX and SendGrid.


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