3 Colorado techies share how their favorite perks help them do their best work

We talked to three local techies to hear more about the perks they love the most and how those perks help them come to work every day ready to shine their brightest. Here’s what they had to say. 

Written by April Bohnert
Published on Jun. 26, 2019
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Today, company perks run the gamut from nice-to-haves — like cold brew on tap, on-site gyms or company-sponsored outings — to must-haves — like healthcare, paid time off and a 401(k) — with a whole lot in between. But no matter how robust or comprehensive a company’s perks and benefits package may be, there are always a few favorites that stand out. 

We talked to three local techies to hear more about the perks they love the most and how those perks help them come to work every day ready to shine their brightest. Here’s what they had to say. 


Trineo coolest employee perks Colorado tech
Photo via Trineo.

Experts in Heroku and Salesforce, Trineo helps clients digitally transform their organizations by modernizing and future-proofing their data and technology platforms. 

Software Engineer Michael Gutierrez told us about a unique perk the company offers — called “whitespace” — and how he uses that time to clear his mind and relax. 


What are your favorite perks your company offers, and why?

The massages are awesome and so is working on the patio, but I would have to say that “whitespace” is my favorite perk. Every week we get an hour to do whatever helps us relax. It amazes me how much one hour of free time can do for your soul. 


Every week we get an hour to do whatever helps us relax. It amazes me how much one hour of free time can do for your soul.” 

How do these perks make you a better employee?

Whitespace is a shining example of what makes Trineo such a special place to work. It’s such a simple and thoughtful perk, yet I’ve never heard of such a thing. After an hour of hiking, biking or playing some guitar with friends, I’m more than happy to get back in the office and put in some quality work. 


LogRhythm coolest employee perks Colorado tech
Photo via LogRhythm.

LogRhythm’s security intelligence software gives businesses the tools and real-time insights to rapidly detect, respond to and neutralize cyber threats. 

Vice President of Human Resources Dennis Stoltenberg shed some light on the perks that make him most proud to be a part of the LogRhythm team and how those help foster a fun and supportive company culture. 


What are your favorite perks your company offers, and why?

LogRhythm offers a lot of perks, and I have a few that pop to mind right away. The first is our maternity, paternity and adoption leave. It is still common for companies to not offer any type of paid leave for new parents, whereas LogRhythm provides eight paid weeks. 

The second is our referral bonus. Employees have responded very positively to this referral plan, and it has resulted in our hiring some of the finest people — and this is true across the globe. 

And a perk for those in our headquarters in Boulder (and all who want to be in Boulder on the date) is Tube to Work Day. We usually have at least 100 employees participate every year, and it’s always a blast to watch employees come back and share stories of the day with others. It makes for a contagious day of energy in the office, and we’re really looking forward to participating again this year on July 12!


Knowing that any employee who is either starting or growing their family has the ability to do so with LogRhythm’s support gives me a sense of pride.” 

How do these perks make you a better employee?

They make me feel connected to where I work and cared about. Knowing that any employee who is either starting or growing their family has the ability to do so with LogRhythm’s support gives me a sense of pride. And the referral program definitely adds to our everyday fun workplace culture, since it introduces us to people who share the same values as our existing employees.


Simple Energy coolest employee perks Colorado tech
Photo via Simple Energy.

Simple Energy’s data-driven software is changing how utility companies engage with consumers — and how those consumers make energy-wise decisions — by appealing to people’s interests and desires, informing them about their energy use and making saving energy social, fun and simple. 

Sachin Muralidhara, a software engineer working with the company’s data, said furry friends and flexible time off — among other great perks — help him stay fresh and focused.


What are your favorite perks your company offers, and why?

One perk that I’m stoked about at Simple Energy is having dogs in the office. I’ve never worked at a dog-friendly company, and it’s great to see dogs in the office. When you’re having a stressful day, but you have dogs right by your desk, it takes your mind off work for a minute and lets you refocus.  

Another is flexible vacation time. There are some companies that restrict you, and at Simple Energy, as long as you get the work done you can take time off. I’m able to go visit my family and I’m not under any pressure to work on my time off. 


...Instead of getting worn down, our benefits let me come back with a fresh mind and point of view, so I can go strong again.”

How do the perks make you a better employee?

At large companies, you don’t get to interact with everyone in the organization, but with coffee and lunch buddies, team members come from different squads and you get to know them and what they do on a daily basis. With the Rocky Mountain National Park pass and wellness reimbursement, it’s great knowing the company promotes wellness and adventure. Our benefits make me a better employee because I can refocus. I’ll be in the middle of something and get it done, then I switch focus to another project, and instead of getting worn down, our benefits let me come back with a fresh mind and point of view, so I can go strong again.


Responses have been edited for clarity and length.