6 awesome tech companies in Colorado you want to work for right now

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Published on May. 21, 2015
6 awesome tech companies in Colorado you want to work for right now



Why it’s cool: To start with, that photo of SendGrid above was taken on their company trip to Mexico. Yes, Mexico the country. Also, their platform delivers over 14 billion emails a month. That’s on par with post office numbers; only you won’t have to worry about dealing with snow, nor rain, nor heat, nor gloom of night.

Note from the boss on what they look for: “I look for a spike,” CEO, Sameer Dholakia said. “Where have they exhibited excellence in some way? It’s a good indicator of other traits and characteristics that will matter. You are self-motivated, set goals and work towards them."

Employee perks: They have a gym, cell phone and commute reimbursement plan, free drinks and food, an annual trip, tuition reimbursement, stock options...the list just keeps going.

Check out SendGrid’s Jobs




Why it’s cool: They say right in their job description they’re looking for disrupters. What’s cooler than changing the status quo? 

Note from the boss on what they look for: “CommercialTribe hires for smarts first. We want people who can not only master the role, but learn, grow, and expand while helping us all get better in our lives and careers,” CEO and Founder Paul Ironside said. “We look for a mix of creativity and analytical ability, someone who can not only thrive within the framework given, but break out of the box and lead their own ideas. It’s part of startup culture – success comes from doing new things.”

Employee Perks: Their offices are in LoDo, they let you pick your own computer setup, and you get a free RTD EcoPass. The company also goes on ski trips, team outings and happy hours – not to mention has good benefits.

Check out CommercialTribe’s jobs          




Why it’s cool: LogRhythm helps protect people from hackers. Which is awesome. Besides, if you get the job it probably means you're pretty smart. 

Note from the boss on what they look for: “We tend to look for candidates that carry a collaborative, process-oriented mindset combined with an entrepreneurial spirit. The security intelligence space requires that we are consistently pushing the boundaries on innovation,” Director of Recruiting Marty Vespa said. “In order to do this we need passionate people that can develop effective cross-functional partnerships that drive inventive initiatives. If somebody carries a deep passion for their profession, they tend to naturally find a passion for security.”

Coolest job available: That probably depends on your interests, but given that there are 20 open positions listed on Built In Colorado, you're probably going to find one you think is cool.

Check out LogRhythm’s jobs




Why it’s cool: The company won the Boulder Startup Week Office Chair Race. Being part of a team of winners is important. Also, their mission is to ‘make being on-call suck-less." These are my sort of people. 

Note from the boss on what they look for: "We're hard at work, making the lives of on-call engineers better, and are looking for people who are excited to tackle this challenge,” Todd Vernon, CEO and Founder of VictorOps, said. “Here at VictorOps, we work hard, play hard and have a good time together doing both."

Employee perks: A sweet office in downtown Boulder, free snacks, a rooftop patio, two kegerators, & excellent benefits. After a long day of office chair racing you can sit down on a serene rooftop patio, drinking a beer and focus on just how good life really is.

Check out VictorOps jobs




Why it’s cool: They just raised $9 million, which is a lot of money – so you know they’re about to do something big. Also, they play foosball and video games in the office.

Note from the boss: “Digabit’s mission is to impact the world by equipping the multi-trillion-dollar global manufacturing industry to tap into billions of dollars of aftermarket sales that are currently out of their reach,” Digabit CEO Alan Sage said. “Software is a ‘talent’ business - and talented, high-energy people who are passionate about making an impact on the product and the company will thrive at Digabit. We are an exciting, well-funded SAAS startup founded by experienced software veterans and are currently hiring to meet our target of doubling in size in the next year.”

Employee perks: Unlimited paid time off, good insurance, and free gym memberships. Plus, you’ll probably get pretty good at foosball.

Check out Digabit’s jobs


Do you know a tech startup that deserves coverage? Email us via [email protected].

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