Colorado CEOs you don't know (but should)

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Published on Dec. 12, 2013
Colorado CEOs you don't know (but should)

 To nominate your company's CEO for some love from Built In Colorado, email Carlin at [email protected].



Todd Vernon, VictorOps

Although he started out his engineering career at NASA, VictorOps CEO Todd Vernon said he quickly realized he enjoyed software more than hardware, so he moved back to Colorado (“NASA is not a great place to be entrepreneurial,” Vernon said.). In Boulder, he founded two companies consecutively: Raindance Communications (which went public in 2000) and Lijit Networks (which was acquired in 2011). Over the past year, he and co-founders Bryce Ambraziunas and Dan Jones have been laser-focused on building the first Vertical Collaboration Platform under VictorOps - which is set to publically launch in 2014. Built In Colorado caught up with Vernon to find out his plans for the new year:

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Phil Supinski, NerdPhone 

Since college, NerdPhone CEO Phil Supinski he started working for a technology VAR and learned to be more technical each role he took on. With his constant exposure to cutting edge marketing and next generation telecommunications, he felt he had learned enough to change the market himself with the launch of NerdPhone in 2010. Now, Supinski said the cloud communications company is “growing faster than we can handle” with the upgrading of their infrastructure in three different datacenters and expansion of full service throughout the US and Canada by January. As NerdPhone is growing expotentially, Supinski gave Built In Colorado a look back at his history:

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John Gobron, Aventura

Healthcare software company Aventura’s CEO Gobron said he doesn’t know if there’s a “right” path to becoming a CEO - but his extensive healthcare experience has certainly been helpful. He was the General Manager of European Operations at Sentillion, which provided technology for hospital caregivers; shortly after Sentillion was acquired by Microsoft in 2009, Gobron headed up national healthcare sales at Symantec. All these experiences have helped him to develop the ability to have “a near-maniacal focus on the few important priorities over the many distracting ways to expend time and energy.” Built In Colorado caught up with Gobron to see exactly how he is spending his energy at Aventura these days:

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Peter Vogel, Plink

Although Plink CEO Peter Vogel was an integral part of other Denver startups, like Adperio and, he had never taken one on himself as a CEO until founding Plink in 2011. Plink is an online-to-offline loyalty program that is now used at 35,000 restaurant and retailers across the US with customers such as Burger King, Red Robin and 7-Eleven on board. Built In Colorado got the scoop from the first-timer CEO on how he is managing this workload:

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