The Kayak of car buying launches in beta to help you find your next ride

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Published on Jun. 15, 2015
The Kayak of car buying launches in beta to help you find your next ride


If you’ve ever scoured the Internet for a specific car you’ve been lusting after, you’re probably aware of what a nightmare it can be to find the right one. Cars end up listed everywhere on the Internet – be it Craigslist, AutoTrader, eBay, or anywhere else. That’s the headache that Denver-based Autoist is aiming to alleviate.

“I’m a huge car guy. I’m always looking for a new car,” Founder and CEO of Autoist Chris Loar said. “From the age of 16 until I turned 22, I had 23 different cars. A couple years back, I realized I was spending a couple hours a day just looking for a car on all these different sites.”


Autoist is kind of like the Kayak of cars—except for one big difference. Let's say you’re looking for a 1970’s Porche (because, you know, you’re awesome like that). Autoist will search all the web for listings matching your criteria. You can set all sorts of parameters like age, mileage, price, and geography. Then, just like on Kayak, you’ll get an immediate return of different available cars.

But here’s where Autoist takes it to the next level. Rather than just returning a simple search it’ll actually keep searching the Internet tirelessly until it finds its prey – kinda like the Terminator, only instead of John Connor it’s looking for your car. Once the service finds your car, it’ll send you a notification.

The service is currently in private-beta, but you can sign up to be added to the waiting list. In most cases you’re likely to be accepted pretty quickly.

“It was one of those things where I didn’t even know if it would work. Then, about 8 months ago, it started to work,” Loar said. “I started a search for a car I’d been looking for a couple of years. And sure enough, one popped up for me and I actually ended up buying that car – before Autoist even launched.”

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