Looking good never looked so easy with newly funded Looklist

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Published on Jun. 16, 2015
Looking good never looked so easy with newly funded Looklist


Have you ever been in the situation where you know it’s time for a change in your look but you just aren’t really sure what that look is? Denver-based Looklist is working to help you figure out the look you want, without the trouble of actually having to visualize yourself in a certain hairdo or with a massive new hipster beard. The Foundry Group Angels, for their part, are betting $174 ,000 that they'll be successful.

Basically, the website aggregates a ton of photos of people in various hairstyles, beard styles and clothing styles. You then get to go through a list of adjectives that describe yourself (skin tone, hair color, hair thickness, hair length, etc.) and figure out what somebody who looks vaguely like you looks like in a certain style. Think of it like Pinterst for fashion, only you can filter out everybody who doesn’t look like you.

So, before you get your next hairstyle, check out Looklist – turns out the picture below is what I’d look like with slightly longer hair.



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