Colorado CTOs you should know: John Skinner, Digabit

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Published on Jul. 03, 2015
Colorado CTOs you should know: John Skinner, Digabit


Digabit is changing the way Original Equipment Manufacturers manage their technical documents. John Skinner, the CTO of Digabit, is a big part of that transformation. Skinner has 20 years of experience leading technology teams and has brought commercial products to market for dozens of companies of all sizes. Before joining Digabit he was the Director of Software Engineering for Comet Solutions. We caught up with Skinner to pick his brain. This is what he had to say:

What technologies power your business? Documoto’s backend is powered by Java, Solr and MySQL. The front end of our software is a mix of HTML5 and Apache Flex.

What upcoming tech project are you most proud of? We are in the process of building a full 3D parts catalog system. Imagine being a mechanic and being able to see your machine in 3D, rotate it using your mouse and drill to the part you need visually…all via the web!

What trends do you see in the tech scene over the next three years? I believe that mobile applications with deep integrations to back office systems in conjunction with light front ends are going to continue to be popular. I also see analytical tools that display buying trends based on search habits becoming the norm.

What sort of people do you look for when hiring?  At Digabit, we look for keen, analytical minds with a desire to learn new things and keep their skills sharp! Attitude and culture fit are everything to us.

What are some lessons you’ve learned about working in Colorado? Words of wisdom? The most important lesson I’ve learned is to take your time and hire the right person the first time. As you grow your business, culture and performance shouldn’t be things you are willing to give up. Someone who understands our company’s long-term goals and is engaged and excited to make a difference will win out over someone who is technically proficient but lacks drive or determination.  It is also imperative to build a solid work and life balance environment. Don’t let it be lip service, but rather part of your company DNA. People live in Colorado for a reason and really tend to appreciate that kind of a work atmosphere!


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