company? Let’s change
StackUp scores everything you read + learn online.Add the StackUp Report to your resume or grades, giving employers and schools new metrics to evaluate your passion, interests, and intellectual curiosity. More companies are accepting the StackUp Report daily.
Whipsmartt is an app that makes exam prep feel like a game. Our apps have points, point animations, 30 different challenges and badges that you can earn. Short videos also customize to you as you use the app so that you can quickly learn things that you need to know for your exam.
bulb is a simple, beautiful and powerful digital portfolio, built for students, educators and professionals. bulb makes it easy to express learning styles, develop work in a flexible space, collaborate and showcase content to anyone.
Zearn is a nonprofit on a mission to support all children learning and loving math. To achieve our mission, we built Zearn Math, a groundbreaking curriculum and classroom model that supports differentiation and engagement for all students. Zearn Math is used by millions of educators and students across the country – and growing.
From tackling everyday assignments to mastering the complexities of thesis writing. As a thesis writing service, we stand out by connecting students with professional experts who have deep knowledge in a variety of fields, ensuring every project receives the attention it deserves. When Students Need Support Students may need help at different times. There is no “one size fits all” answer. Life is unpredictable, and problems at school often happen at the same time as problems in daily life. Here are a few scenarios where Studybay can make a difference: - Balancing Work and Education Picture a student who has to work part-time and take a lot of classes at the same time. Even though they carefully planned their schedule, their boss asks for more hours, and their study paper on sustainable architecture gets lost. This is where Studybay comes in to help with professional advice and ensure that due dates are met without lowering the quality of the work. - Interdisciplinary Assignments Imagine that you are an engineering student who has to write a paper about how AI will affect society. They are great at making technical designs, but it's too much for them to write an article that combines psychology, ethics, and the law. The experts at Studybay come from a wide range of fields and can help with even the most difficult tasks. - Language Barriers A lot of foreign students have great ideas but find it hard to say them clearly in English. Writing an essay on American political systems or a thesis on economic globalization might seem difficult. With Studybay, these students can work together with writers who are native English speakers to improve their ideas and turn in well-written work. - Burnout or Creative Blocks Students can get burned out, even the most committed ones, especially when it's time for tests or when they have to do hard work like writing a literature review for their thesis. A new point of view from a Studybay expert can help them get past the block and start learning again. - Exploring New Topics A history major taking an elective in environmental science might feel lost analyzing the effects of climate change on urbanization. Studybay bridges this gap by pairing students with experts in any field, encouraging cross-disciplinary growth.
DEVELOP and GROW the vital relationship between childhood play and STEM-related abilities through the creation of more toys through enlarging the base of inventors and creators of the next generation of toys,AMPLIFY THE DISTRIBUTION of toys that girls like to play with and that stimulate STEM-related skills through strategic partnerships with manufacturers, designers and distributors.
It’s that shared belief that brought together a venture capitalist with a passion for education and a self-taught technologist bent on helping his students reinvent themselves as programmers. In 2012, Adam Enbar and Avi Flombaum partnered to create an alternative to an education industry leaving a wide skills gap in a booming tech world. Alongside.
Developing Minds Software is a company dedicated to serving the needs of families, non-profits and education institutions challenged with serving the developmentally disabled child. Developing Minds Software offers a software service, DDtrac, which allows practitioners to systematically collect data, assess student progress, and adapt student programs to changing needs. It helps educators and therapists provide more efficient treatment and education plans, and improve the outcomes of children and adults with cognitive impairments.
The U.S. Center for SafeSport is an independent nonprofit committed to building a sport community where participants can work and learn together free of emotional, physical and sexual abuse and misconduct. Our teams provide education and advocacy for awareness and abuse prevention training. We conduct audits to ensure compliance with safety policies and procedures, and investigate reports of abuse or misconduct in the US Olympic and Paralympic movement.
We help web professionals build wildly successful businesses.We build video courses, tools, templates, and apps that allow a web professional to focus on what matters: their bottom line. Our mission is to grow a community of Gurus that publish and share the best content in the world. We accomplish this through relationships with industry experts, building the best content engine, and through rewards, recognition, and promotion for our community. Our final job is to be curators of content to ensure only the best ideas and experiences become a part of our product.
Eduvate is a multiscale strategy and consulting organization supporting innovations in formal education systems, informal learning environments, and technology-based tools for learning, teaching, and assessment. Eduvate works with organizations interested in improving educational systems and expanding opportunities for all learners--including edtech startups, investors and accelerators, education and technology companies, nonprofits and non-governmental organizations, B Corps, foundations and grant-making entities, national governments, state departments of education, K-12 and higher education systems, public and charter schools, open educational resource providers, professional membership organizations, researchers, museums and science centers, civic organizations, and others.Eduvate helps organizations with positioning their products and services to have greater impact in the dynamic landscape of technolgy, policy, procurement, and pedagogical trends that influence the Education sector at all levels. With extensive experience gained from national leadership roles in edtech policy and infrastructure, STEM education, digital learning resources, and museum-based learning; Eduvate supports clients in a range of capacities from ad hoc advisor to embedded project partner, with a focus on Analysis, Strategy, Implemenation, and Impact.
GreyCampus transforms careers through skills and certification training. We are a leading provider of training for working professionals in the areas of Project Management, Big Data, Data Science, Service Management and Quality Management. We offer live-online (instructor-led online), classroom (instructor-led classroom) and e-learning (online self-learning ) courses. Our growing suite of accredited courses is constantly upgraded to address the career enhancement goals of working professionals.